viernes, 9 de agosto de 2013

"The day de mountain blew apart"

In class, with Vicky Gregov we read a story that is  call "The day the mountain blew apart". It's about a volcano that erupted in 1980, this volcano destroyed all the place. The volcano was called the Mount. St Helen.

This story is a Historical Narrative because it really happend and tells you about all the causes and consequences that the volcano did.
At the beginning , two men that were called Jerry Wheller and David Johnston were in the mountain when it erupted. Wheleer survived but Johnston died in the moment. Magma have been rising inside the mountain, making a lot of pressure, until it erupted. After that, all the place was destroyed and devastated, 57 people died, everything was covered with ashes, smoke and fire. The forest, plants and animals disappeared and died. Everyone stayed inside their houses and didn't go out because they couldn't breathe. Finnaly, gophers helped they brought the rich soil up to the surface wich helped new plants grow. Elk bones also helped new plants to grow because of the nutrients they had. It will take more than a hundred years to have everything as it was before the eruption.
BEFORE.                                                                                AFTER.

In my opinion, this is a sad tragedy to many people and I hope all the trees and plants grow again. The story was very intresting, I enjoy it.

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