martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

Informal Letter

Dear Marian (Jekyll),
                                      Hello Marian! I’m very happy that I have written this letter for you. Is everything ok? I miss you here friend! We have to meet in some place, my house if you want.

I want to know about your experiments, your potions, how are you Marian? Here we are everyone very well, but we all miss you very much. In New York, have you made friends? Here in Orlando we are very anxious to see you, which day are you coming?

Also, I want to tell you a new, my wife and I will have a baby! In October she is going to be born, the doctor had said! This is a very important moment in my life, she is my first child! That’s why I want you to come as long as you can please.

I hope you are very well there in New York with your potions and projects. I send you a kiss! See you! Please come!

                                                        Your friend,   Martin.

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