sábado, 16 de agosto de 2014

Diary Entry

In L/L writing we wrote two letters doing Dr.Jeckyll`s role. The first one had to be when Jekyll have just created the potion. And the second one  when Jekyll had recently used it for the first time. We did many drafts to correct our mistakes. This are my letters:

July 16, 1889

Today is a beautiful day! I've just created my potion. Seriously, it was one of the most difficult potions I have ever created. I am afraid to use it right now, so I will wait till tomorrow. But I am so happy! I can't believe I have finished this potion. I hope nobody knows about it because it's not a normal potion, this one is dangerous. It transforms to the one who will drink it into all his or her worst bad side. You can be from the prettiest person to the ugliest. And this makes me feel scared but I will drink it anyway. Probably, if I tell this to someone it will be to Utterson, but I should think about it. This potion was made with all my effort, I hope it works right. It's so crazy how with one potion I can separate two parts of me and rebel one of them. This will be a secret between the laboratory and me. Maybe now I should go to the park and take some fresh air.

Henry Jekyll

July 17, 1889

I used the potion and I have to confess it wasn't as I thought it was going to be. I mean, my bad side went out, but I killed some people and made disasters I wasn't expecting to make. I couldn't control myself. I am afraid that people are searching for me. Next time I use the potion, I have to be careful. If someone discovers me I will be in serious problems. I don't know how to feel. I feel happy because in a way my potion worked well. But I feel also sad because of the disasters I have and I probably will continue doing the next time I drink the potion. I will try to control myself but I'm not sure if I can. Of course, nobody will know this I will try not to be suspicious. I will drink the potion again tomorrow to see what happens. Poole can have doubts about why I spend too much time in my laboratory, I have to be careful with him.

Henry Jekyll

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