martes, 15 de julio de 2014

Patent Laws

 A Patent, is an exclusive right to use inventions for periods of time. It’s beneficial for economy to have the Patent Laws. Each country designed laws to protect inventions.
Patents Laws two different systems. The first-to-file and the first-to invent. Most countries adapted the firs-to-file system.
Countries employ different Patent Laws. One of them is Patent Ownership that is not recognized in the whole world. Because it brings economic consequences.

 International economic problems have been boosting. Patent ownership started to be recognized in other countries.
The conflict in Patents applied for WIPO (World Intellectual Properties Organization). WIPO maintains that the first step involves to oblige the United States to reexamine its patent principle, taking into account the reality of a global economy.
 This impulse may be a good result in more global economic cooperation.
Made by: Jimena Timpanaro, Martina Safronchik, Delfina Urquizu, Valentina Muguelar, Pilar Rodriguez and Camila Kos.

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