viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014

An Essay on "The Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde"

In "The Strange Case of Dr.Jeckyll and Mr.Hyde", written by Robert Louis Stevenson, a man called Henry Jekyll had the idea to separate his good and bad side. For this, he created a potion but the results were not the expected. After creating the potion Mr.Hyde appeared and Henry Jekyll was not only Dr.Jekyll, he was also Mr.Hyde. He could not control his bad side, he should find a way or many people would be damaged. The author showed that everyone has a bad and good side as in this case Mr.Hyde and Dr.Jekyll.

Throughout the book, Dr.Jekyll was well known in London city. He was very smart, elegant and respected by everyone. Also, he was a scientist. When he created the potion he never thought the problems that would bring to him. Dr.Jekyll regreted making the potion, his bad side was not something he could control any longer. That bad side was called Mr.Hyde, he made disasters all over the city. The scientist Dr.Jekyll suffered the situation, friends from him were damaged by his own bad side and he could not do anything. No one should know his secret, if not he would be in serious problems. "I made this choice perhaps with some unconscious reservation", Dr.Jekyll said.

Mr.Hyde, on the other hand, did not feel anything that was not hatred. After doing his bad acts he was acting as nothing happened. He never regreted anything. He also took Dr.Jekyll's body at any time of the day. The evil creature made disasters all over London. Dr.Jekyll's friends, places, houses and a lot of people was suffering Mr.Hyde's crazy acts. People started searching for him but he was good and made it difficult. Mr.Hyde was full of hatred. The strange monster maybe did not realize what was he doing, he was made to be evil and the opposite from good. "The look of him, even in the distance, went somehow strongly against the watcher's inclination", the narrator said.

In "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde", the author showed that everyone has a bad and good side as in this case Mr.Hyde and Dr.Jekyll.They were the opposite. Things did not finish as Dr.Jekyll expected, probably he had to be more careful at the time of making the potion. Reading this book made me realized we have to be careful when we do such complex things.

miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014

Circulo Cromatico

Para realizar este trabajo utilizamos temperas y nos focalisamos en los colores primarios con sus adyasentes.

viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014


This film is a biography from the singer Justin Bieber. It shows all his tour called "Believe" which started in 2012 and finished in 2013. He visits many countries that appear in the fil such as Paris, New York, London, etc. The director is Jon M.Chu. He also did Justin's first film "Never say Never". 

Justin's family also appear in the film. His dad who is called Jeremy and his mother called Patricia. In the film, Justin talks about how bad he feels when journalists tell lies about him and people believe them. All the film is based on him and the problems he had during the tour. But not everything is bad he also talks about how happy he feels with the support of his fans called "beliebers". Justin's friends appear in the film, as well as his manager, vocalist and many other people who work with Justin. They talk very good about him and they are proud of his work during the tour. 

I really liked the film because it shows the internal feelings of the singer. It is funny to watch, you can't get bored. All the adventures he had during the tour are also another reason to laugh and enjoy the film.

I recommend the film not only to Justin's fans to everyone who like music. It's very intresting the preparation from the tour and which difficulties artists go throw in tours. I recommend it.