domingo, 22 de junio de 2014

Je parle de moi

Je m' appelle Sophie, j' ai treize ans, je suis étudiante, j' habite à Adrogue, rue Castelli, avec ma mère et mon père. Je n' ai pas d' animal. Mon anniversaire, c' est le 12 octobre.

J' aime le cinéma, j' adore le sport surtout le hockey. Je déteste le patinage sur glace, aussi étudier. J' aime manger. 

Je suis franche, aussi sympathique et un peu bavarde. Je ne suis pas travailleuse. Je suis sensible et sincère. Je ne suis pas patiente. Je suis grande. Je mesure 1 mètre 58. J' ai mes yeux marron. J' ai mes cheveux mi-longs et châtains. Je ne porte pas de lunettes.

viernes, 13 de junio de 2014

Punta Cana

We worked with a place we choosed. In class, we made a description separated in five paragraphs. I choosed Punta Cana, here is my description: 

Punta Cana is on the east coast of Dominican Republic. Their language is spanish. It's a small country so there isn't a relaxed environment. Rains are very common in Punta Cana.

This country is a good place to forget about your problems. It's nice to relax and take a time for you. People in Punta Cana are very sweet. Food is tasty, fruits and vegetables are the first option for people who live there. 

However, sometimes It's too hot. There are lot of seaweeds in the ocean. It's a poor country, there is insecurity. A bad notice for children is that in the ocean there are no waves. Going to the beach is boring for children. 

Also, you can see a variety of palmtrees, calm and clear water, white sand, and a lot of alcohol and food. There are many guided tours to islands. Going fishing isn't a bad idea.

In conclusion, Punta Cana is the perfect place to go on holidays. You will enjoy your visit. I went there, so I recommend it. It's a beautiful place, don't miss the opportunity to visit Punta Cana.

domingo, 1 de junio de 2014


Trabaje con Mia Rinaldi, Lautaro Severina y Feberico berro. Construimos la frase "La conexion entre colores genera diversion a travez de la cercania".