jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013

¡Arriba la capilaridad!

La capilaridad es la capacidad que poseen los líquidos de avanzar o ascender por espacios muy pequeños, ya que espacios (vasos, tubos, etc.) permiten que las moléculas de dicho liquido “trepen” en su interior. Sirve para cosas como para que las plantas transporten el agua desde su raíz hasta sus hojas para realizar la fotosíntesis o para que la sangre que vuelve al corazón se transporte, entre otras cosas.A continuación podrán ver el fenómeno en un trabajo practico.

martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013


One day, an old man in a city killed his horse. he was angry with him, because he had escaped from his house. In that city, the people who killed animals were thought to be bad people. So this crime created a lot of tension in the city. Every time that he walked along the streets, people saw him as if he was mean, and they told him:' you killed an animal, you are a bad person'. So one time, the man started to cry, he was sad because everybody said those things to him, and then the man got angry and he threw all the rubbish, the table, the glasses, sun glasses and everything he saw in the streets. After that, a big storm appeared.

Kratos made those storms because when he gets angry he send a big storm to the person who made him angry. In this case, the man who killed the horse was a very cruel man so that's why kratos sent the big storm to the city. Kratos thought that about this man because killing a horse or any animal was terrible for nature. This man could make the specie disappear, most probably he could die because of Kratos storms. They were very powerful, but Kratos would never forgive what this man did, he would continue until the death of this man.

The sky went dark because of the storm , the trees were destroyed by the thunders of the storm. The man was looking for a place to hide. He looked at a stone. The man ran to it but the stone blew up and disappeared in the sky. He didn't know what he was doing or where he was running to. The storm was getting worse. The storm was was shouting to the man with thunders. The sky was getting red. the man was running to the village with storm behind him. It started raining, but it wasn't,t water. it was blood. The blood of the horse was coming down from the sky. The man was running covered blood. He was close to the city and the storm stop. but now a days the storm apear but with out blood.

martes, 5 de noviembre de 2013

¡El super huevo!

En la clase de Naturales fuimos al laboratorio a experimentar algunos temas trabajados en clase como la capilaridad, la densidad. A continuacion, podran ver algunas imagenes de como trabajamos con el huevo en el laboratorio.

Para entender el concepto de densidad utilizamos:

Un huevo.
Una cuchara.
Un frasco.


Colocamos un huevo en un frasco con agua.

Le agregamos sal.

Luego, batimos.

Esperamos a ver los resultados.

Le agregamos mas sal.

Lo batimos nuevamente.

Le agregamos mas agua, el huevo bajo pero seguia flotando.

Le agregamos agua que disolvio la sal y por eso el huevo desendio pero seguia flotando.

Mar Muerto

El mar muerto es famoso por ser el mar mas salado en el mundo. Ademas, es el unico sin vida. El mar muerto afecta a la biodiversidad porque al ser un mar tan salado que filtra los rayos UB y causa quemaduras.

La ubicacion del mar muerto se podra encontrar en la siguiente foto: